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News from the TTA


POSTPONED: Tuesday Afternoon at the Movies - now on Tuesday, April 25th, 2023

Updated: Apr 11, 2023

**Coordinator, Rudy Chen sends his apologies as he has to postpone the first Tuesday Afternoon at the Movies to Tuesday, April 25th. He hopes he hasn't inconvenienced anyone and looks forward to seeing you in another couple of weeks.**

Remember those days when you went to a matinee at Carib, Palace, Rialto...? You can come to TTA on a Tuesday afternoon now, instead of Friday night to see a movie. Our premier matinee will be on Tuesday, April 25th at 1 p.m.

Thousand Pieces of Gold will be the feature film and is based on the real life story of Polly Bemis, a young Chinese woman whose parents sold her into slavery for the family to survive. The movie is based on the novel by Ruthanne Lum McCunn and stars Rosamund Chao and Chris Cooper. Lalu is trafficked to a sleazy barkeeper in Idaho's gold country, but unwilling to submit to his demands, she begins her own successful business venture. Way ahead of its time, this film resonates even more powerfully today. A breathtaking feminist Western just waiting to be rediscovered - angry, impassioned, and also a love story.

The entry fee of $6 includes snacks and beverages. A mask is required, and if you would like to attend, please call Rudy Chen at 416-332-4939 and leave a message.


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