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News from the TTA

2021 Membership Fee and Chinese New Year Donation


Updated: Apr 27, 2022

Dear Tsung Tsin Members,

A belated Happy New Year to you! This past year will be unforgettable in many ways, and the most important one is that we could not get together with family and friends, but as the Dalai Lama said "I find hope in the darkest days, and focus on the brightest."

We missed celebrating life's milestones - the births, birthdays and weddings and not being there for friends whose loved one has passed away. Now more than ever, we are so grateful to you all, that have funded, volunteered and kept this association afloat throughout the years, especially now. we find comfort and encouragement knowing that we have a strong community of TTA members.

We sent out a newsletter in November to keep everyone updated on events taking place in members' lives and at TTA, even though our events have been virtual. You know by now that we cannot have our annual general meeting and elections this year, but we have to remind you that your membership fee for 2021 is now due. The nominal fee of $30 is to help defray our monthly expenses. Let's band together to keep the Association going as we look to a bright future, post COVID. Thank you for keeping your membership dues up-to-date. If you have any questions, please call Peggy Ray at 416-291-8704 or email -

The Year of the Ox falls on February 12th, and at Chinese New Year we ask for donations for the Association. We are a not-for-profit organization which depends on membership, donations and our events for revenue to cover our operating costs. Of course, last year we could not have any social events, but hopefully we can get together soon.

Renewal forms for membership and donation forms are attached for your convenience, and if you would like to do an e-transfer, please send it to

On behalf of your TTA Board of Directors, thank you for playing such a vital part. We wish you and your family health, safety and happiness and want you to know that together, we can overcome all things. 'Gung Hee Fatt Choy' for the up-coming Chinese New Year.

Jennifer Chin

N.B. Please keep us informed @ if you are planning to change your email and/or mailing address in the future, or if you did not get a copy of the newsletter.


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